• Food Technology Technician with Pastry Qualification and Elements of Sports Dietetics

        • Food technology technician is a profession for those interested in food production and its quality, offering a wide range of employment opportunities. Students learn both modern and traditional techniques and technologies of food production, principles of healthy nutrition, methods of analysis, and ways to ensure the highest food quality standards. Our school, the only one in Łódź, offers students education in this profession and, at the same time, obtaining qualifications in pastry.

          Pedagogical innovation allows students to expand their knowledge in the field of nutrition principles, calculating the nutritional and energy values of menus. Additional physical education classes are an essential element of combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills regarding a healthy lifestyle.

          Students also have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities related to the preparation and serving of pastry desserts, production of original pastry products (cakes, cookies, cakes), and coffee brewing and serving like a true barista.

          Course of study

          Education takes place in very well-equipped school workshops. The knowledge and skills acquired at school are deepened during visits to production plants and classes in the laboratories of the Lodz University of Technology.

          The curriculum includes:

          • General education subjects, including two foreign languages – English at extended scope and German.
          • Vocational subjects carried out in the form of modular education, including food science and technology, production and decoration of pastry products, basics of technology, microbiology, food analysis, operation of a food company, and vocational foreign language.

          Professional internships

          In the second and fourth grades, students undergo professional internships, totaling 8 weeks. During internships, students verify their knowledge acquired during school classes and acquire new vocational knowledge and skills in real workplace conditions. Internships take place in food production plants cooperating with the school, such as Dakri, Vandemortele, Pamso, Jogo, Hort – Cafe, Bierhalle, craft bakeries, hypermarket production departments.


          • At the end of the third grade – exam confirming qualification SPC.01 "Production of pastry products".
          • At the end of the first semester of the fifth grade – exam confirming qualification SPC.07 "Organization and supervision of food production".

          After passing both exams and completing school, graduates obtain the title of food technology technician.

          • After completing the fifth grade, students take the matriculation exam.

          Career opportunities after completing school:

          • Attractive work both in pastry shops and dessert departments in restaurants, hotels, cafes, and in modern food production facilities – as a technologist, manager, or laboratory worker.
          • Pedagogical innovation allows acquiring skills needed for a personal trainer.
          • Running your own food industry business.
          • Continuing education at a higher education institution.