• Confectioner with an emphasis on modern decorating techniques.

        • Confectionery is a profession for people interested in making cakes, biscuits, tarts and desserts. During the process of learning students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to produce confectionery products every day and for various occasions. In addition to good taste, these products must have appropriate 
          appearance, so finishing and decorating them is a very important element of learning. Good 
          confectioner must have imagination and manual skills to implement his own ideas. 
          Students can develop their interests and skills by participating in 
          extracurricular activities, during which they will learn the secrets of preparing tasty, exquisite dessert and brewing and serving coffee like a real barista. 
          Each year, our young confectioners succeed in national competitions: 
          Polish Confectionery School Championships as part of the Expo-Sweet Fair, 
          National Tournament for the Best Student in the Confectionery Profession in Wrocław, 
          National Confectionery Tournament named after Wojciech Kandulski in Poznań, 

          Attractive jobs are waiting for you: 
          in confectionery and bakery factories; 
          in restaurants, cafes, hotels - in dessert departments; 
          in companies producing semi-finished confectionery products. 
          You will also be prepared to run your own business. 

          A little more about the profession... 
          Confectionery is a profession for people interested in making cakes, biscuits, tarts and desserts. During the process of learning students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to produce confectionery products every day and for various occasions. In addition to good taste, these products must have appropriate appearance, so finishing and decorating them is a very important element of learning. 
          A confectioner must have imagination and manual skills to implement his own ideas. 
          Students can develop their interests and skills by participating in 
          extracurricular activities, during which they will learn the secrets of preparing tasty, exquisite desserts 
          and brewing and serving coffee like a real barista. 
          Every year, our young confectioners succeed in national competitions: 
          Polish Championships of Confectionery Schools as part of the Expo-Sweet Fair; 
          National Tournament for the Best Student in the Confectionery Profession in Wrocław; 
          National Confectionery Tournament named after Wojciech Kandulski in Poznań. 

          The course of study 
          Vocational school lasts 3 years. 
          The curriculum includes: 
          general education subjects in line with the curriculum at a first-cycle vocational school, 
          professional subjects related to the technique and technology of confectionery production and decorating confectionery, preparation for running a business and foreign language learning. Vocational subjects are conducted in the form of theoretical and 
          practical classes. Theoretical classes are conducted at school. Students have the opportunity to perform exercises in the field of confectionery technology and decoration in school workshops, equipped with professional confectionery equipment. 
          In the first and second grades, students attend classes at school three days a week, for two days practical classes at the workplace; in the third grade, school learning lasts two days, practical classes three days. 
          Practical classes 
          Practical classes take place in reputable confectionery factories. These 
          are the companies that have been cooperating with the school for years, mainly crafts. 
          For the period of the process of learning, the student signs a contract with the employer of his or her choice where he or she will stay and he or she obtains the status of a juvenile employee. Juveniles employees are protected by the provisions of the Labor Code. 
          Therefore, they are entitled to employee rights, including: 
          salary (the amount depends on the year of study and the national average in Poland, in 2019 it is approx. PLN 170 gross); 
          paying ZUS pension and health insurance contributions; 
          including the period of employment in the length of service; 
          sickness benefit for sick leave; 
          the right to annual leave. 
          Note: Vocational school students who do not sign contracts with employers have 
          practical classes organized by the school. In this type of activity, students are not entitled to employee rights. 

          At the end of the third grade, students take an exam confirming their qualifications 
          SPC.01 "Production of confectionery products". 
          Students undergoing practical vocational training as young workers under the supervision of master confectioners, take an apprentice exam before a commission appointed by the Chamber Crafts in Łódź and after passing it, they receive an apprentice certificate. 
          The apprentice certificate is the basic document confirming professional qualifications in 
          crafts, it entitles you to take up work (perform work) as an employee 
          qualified and holding positions requiring qualifications, and after completing a three-year seniority to apply for the master's exam. 
          Students undergoing practical vocational training organized by a school or company 
          not associated with the Chamber of Crafts, take a professional qualification examination 
          SPC.01 Production of confectionery products, organized by the District Examination Commission. 
          After passing the exam, they receive professional qualification certificates issued by the District Examination Commission. 
          Students who pass the professional examination and graduate from school will receive a diploma in the profession of a confectioner. 
          The condition for completing the First Level Vocational School is to join one of the above 

          And after you graduate, you can… 
          1. work in: 
          in confectionery and bakery factories; 
          in restaurants, cafes, hotels - in dessert departments; 
          in plants producing semi-finished confectionery products; 
          2. continue your education at a 2-year Secondary Vocational School, after completing which you can obtain food technology technician title and pass the high school leaving exam; 
          3. run your own confectionery shop.