• RECRUITMENT DEADLINES for the 2024/2025 school year

        • RECRUITMENT DEADLINES for the 2024/2025 school year

          A. Dates of the recruitment and supplementary procedures, as well as deadlines for submitting documents to the first classes of public upper secondary schools (general high schools, technical schools, and first-degree vocational schools)


          Recruitment Stage:

          Basic Recruitment:

          Supplementary Recruitment

          Submission of application for admission to secondary schools

          from 22 April 2024 till 21 May 2024, 12:00 hrs

          from 23 July 2024 12:00 hrs 

          till 26 July 2024,

          12:00 hrs

          Publication by the school director of the dates for physical fitness tests, language proficiency exams, and directional aptitude assessments

          till 10 May 2024


          Verification by the recruitment committee of submitted applications and documents

          till 29 May 2024

          do 29 lipca 2024

          Conducting physical fitness tests, language proficiency exams, directional aptitude assessments, and linguistic predisposition tests

          from 3 June 2024

          till 14 June 2024

          od 25 lipca 2024

          do 26 lipca 2024

          Publication of the list of candidates who have achieved positive results in physical fitness tests, language proficiency exams, and directional competence assessments

          17 June 2024 r.

          29 July 2024 r.

          Possibility to make changes to the list of branch preferences for verified applications

          from 3 July 2024 r.

          till 8 July 2024 r.


          Supplementing the application for admission to upper secondary school with a copy of the primary school leaving certificate and a copy of the examination results certificate

          from 3 July 2024

          till 9 July 2024

          15:00 hrs


          Verification of information from certificates and certificates by the recruitment committee

          till 11 July 2024

          from 30 July 2024

          Publication of the list of qualified and unqualified candidates

          15 lipca 2024

          till  12:00 hrs

          31 July 2024

          Untill  12:00 hrs

          Issuance by the vocational school of a referral for medical examination to candidates who have chosen training in a particular profession

          from 22 April 2024

          till 16 July 2024

          from 22 July 2024

          till 31 July 2024

          Confirmation by the parent of the candidate or the adult candidate of the decision to pursue education by presenting the original primary school leaving certificate and the original eighth-grade examination results certificate

          from 15 lipca 2024,.  hrs12:00

          till 18 July 2024

          from 31 July 2024 . 12:00 hrs

          till 2 August 2024

          12:00 hrs

          Publication of the list of admitted and non-admitted candidates

          19 July 2024

          till  12:00 hrs

          5 August 2024

          till 12:00 hrs

          Notification of the education supervisor by the director of the upper secondary school about the number of available places in the school

          19 lipca 2024

          till. 13:00 hrs

          till 5 August 2024

          till. 13:00 hrs

          Publication by the education supervisor of information on the number of available places in upper secondary schools.

          till 22 July 2024,

          6 August 2024


          B. Recruitment and supplementary proceedings deadlines, as well as document submission deadlines for the first semester of class I in public post-secondary schools, public vocational schools of the second degree, and public adult education schools.

          Recruitment Stage:

          Basic Recruitment:

          Supplementary Recruitment:

          The director of the school announces the dates for physical fitness tests, language proficiency exams, and aptitude assessments to be made public

          till 10 May 2024


          Submission of an application for admission to secondary schools

          from 6 May 2024 till 14 June 2024,

          15:00 hrs

          from 23 July 2024. 12:00 hrs  till 26 July 2024, 15:00 hrs

          Conducting physical fitness tests, language exams, and directional aptitude assessments.

          from 3 June 2024

          till 14 June 2024

          from 25 July 2024

          till 26 July 2024

          Announcement of the list of candidates who have achieved positive results in physical fitness tests, language exams, and directional competency assessments.

          17 June 2024 r.

          29 July 2024 r.

          Supplementing the application for admission to secondary school with a copy of the primary school completion certificate and a copy of the exam results certificate.

          from 9 July 2024


          Verification by the admissions committee of information from certificates and attestations.

          from 11 July 2024

          till 30 July 2024

          Announcement of the list of qualified and unqualified candidates

          15 July 2024

          till 12:00hrs

          31 July 2024

          till. 12:00 hrs

          Issuance by the vocational school of a referral for medical examination to a candidate who has chosen to pursue education in a specific profession.

          from 13 May 2024

          till 15 July 2024

          from 22 July 2024

          till 31 July 2024

          Confirmation by the parent of the candidate or the candidate themselves, if of legal age, of the intention to pursue education by presenting the original school completion certificate and the original external exam results certificate.

          from 15 July 2024. 12:00 hrs

          till 18 July 2024.

          15:00 hrs

          from 31 July 2024

          till 2 August 2024,  15:00 hrs

          Announcement of the list of accepted and non-accepted candidates."

          19 July 2024

          till 12:00 hrs

          5 August 2024

          till. 12:00 hrs

          Informing the chief education supervisor by the director of the secondary school, through the governing body, about the number of available vacant spots in the school.


          from 19 July 2024

          till. 13:00 hrs

          from 5 August 2024

          till. 13:00hrs

          Publication by the chief education supervisor of information about the number of available vacant spots in secondary schools."

          till 22 July 2024,

          till 6 August 2024




          C. Recruitment and supplementary proceedings deadlines, as well as document submission deadlines for the first semester of class I in public post-secondary vocational schools, public vocational schools of the second degree, and public post-secondary schools for adults, where educational activities commence on the first weekday of February, for the school year 2024/2025.

          Recruitment Stage:

          Basic Recruitment:

          Supplementary Recruitment:

          Submission of an application for admission to secondary schools

          from 4 listopada 2024 till 21 listopada 2024

          from 9 December 2024

          till 13 December 2024

          weryfikacja przez komisję rekrutacyjną złożonych wniosków oraz dokumentów

          till 26 November 2024

          till 18 December 2024

          Announcement of the list of accepted and non-accepted candidates

          28 November 2024


          7 January 2025


          Issuance by the vocational school of a referral for medical examination to a candidate who has chosen to pursue education in a specific profession.

          from 4 November 2024

          till 29 November 2024

          from 9 December 2024

          till 8 January 2025

          Confirmation by the parent of the candidate or the candidate themselves, if of legal age, of the intention to pursue education by presenting the original school completion certificate and the original external exam results certificate.

          from 28 November 2024

          till 3 December 2024


          from 7 January 2025

          till 9 January 2025

          Announcement of the list of accepted and non-accepted candidates

          4 December 2024


          10 January 2025


          Informing the chief education supervisor by the director of the secondary school, through the governing body, about the number of available vacant spots in the school.

          5 December 2024


          10 January 2025


          Publication by the chief education supervisor of information about the number of available vacant spots in secondary schools."

          6 December 2024

          13 January 2025